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標題: A suggestion to VLan [打印本頁]

作者: CWHS    時間: 2009-7-19 21:20     標題: A suggestion to VLan

It's a suggestion i post several month ago, perhaps about half of years.
And I think it's an quite an important feature, The function of-
"Remember Password"
I think a lot of member agree with that,
Hope our VLan Developer can deal with this point.

my regret
作者: 龍之振雄    時間: 2009-7-20 02:56

唔系唔想加, 系擔心D人忘記密碼, 而通常透過 e-mail 取回密碼又不太可行, 因為多數填假 e-mail ,  兩難的抉擇.

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