
2009-12-10 16:49
Clamp your ghd straightener shut

sprai them with hairspray. For more great style ideas,Step 5Rub a small amount of shine serum in your hand and appli it gentli to your curls. Thi will loosen your curl and give you a dishevel look. For a more defin look and to make your curl last longer. see the ghd websit a link is in Resources, below . shini curls. It' import to dry your hair to minim the heat damag from your ghd straightenerWash and dry your hair. Curl wash hair will produc smooth.. and prevent it from burningStep 2Brush your hair ghd hair straighteners thoroughli and appli a heat-protect spray. Thi will creat a barrier between your hair and ghd straightener.. anoth two equal section for the top of your head and final a section for the crown. Divid hair make it easier to curlStep 3Separ and tie your hair into five sections. Divid your hair into two equal section for the back of your head.. from the back of your head,Step 4Hold your ghd straighten vertic and take hair an inch in width. close to the nape of your neck. Clamp your ghd straighten shut, ensur you hold the end of the section with GHD Straighteners your free hand. GHD Hair Straighteners Rotat your ghd straighten 180 degre and move it down slowli through the length of hair. When you reach the end, releas the curl. Continu the process until you have complet all five section of hair, finish with the crown.


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威望 -5 邂逅。A_c 2009-12-10 17:39 廣告/SPAM
金錢 -30 金幣 邂逅。A_c 2009-12-10 17:39 廣告/SPAM