
Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead patch 1.54


Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead patch 1.54

Placebo and Jennik  informed us patch 1.54 for Operation Arrowhead has been released on the Arma 2 website.

Patch 1.54 highlights:
  • Arma 2: British Armed Forces Lite - all units, vehicles and weapons from Arma 2: British Armed Forces are included in this patch with lower quality textures and audio files.
  • Numerous stability and functionality fixes and improvements.
  • Reworked MP Session Browser and Mission Selector.
  • Engineer - Engineers have undergone some serious training and are now capable of repairing damaged vehicles and defusing mines. An engineer can patch up a badly damaged vehicle, making it operable.
  • Artillery Computer - All indirect fire weapons can exploit the brand new artillery computer by selecting it in the Action Menu (default binding is the mouse wheel).

This patch is not compatible with the Steam version of Operation Arrowhead!

