
the world rpg S3 0.06d


the world rpg S3 0.06d

The world rpg S3 0.06d
    ( 由於本人無法上傳圖片,想睇遊戲圖片自己入場吧!)
    ( F9 有詳細介紹 ,大家最好下)

選英 :按方向鍵
按左  ---- 力英
按右  ---- 敏英  (遊戲預設 : 第一個晝面)
按下  ---- 智英  ( 右 2 牧師)

右上角有個表可以睇到 [ 左至右 ]

指令 :
-cam hold         固定視野
-cam hold off    取消固定視野
-clean map
-recall                自殺

重生地右下方有兩個轉送點 :
1) 洞口 ---- Level 1 - level 80
2)  level 80 - level 200

level 1 - 10 區唔會掉裝備,只有任務物品。 10 level 以上區域至會掉裝備

高 level 區域任務 npc 並不是全部都是任務睇清楚                  
PS : 防掛機系統:疲勞值 =100 時會有一個問題
      回答時一定要咁 ----> '-'
      Ex :  1 + 2 = '-3'
      太耐時間無答 or 答錯太多次 , 英雄就會(殲滅/消失不見)

                      ( 1 - 1.5 分鐘咁上下時間)

[ 本帖最後由 abc3384 於 2014-4-11 16:51 編輯 ]
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送上兩幅 The World rpg s1 既 1.3 英雄圖片

[ 本帖最後由 abc3384 於 2014-4-11 16:48 編輯 ]
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HarDCoreR wrote:
1. Hydra (화이트파우더3개)
http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i36 ... R1/1-3.jpg

2. Jack (레드파우더5개)
http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i36 ... R1/2-3.jpg

3. Dracula (화이트파우더5개)
http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i36 ... R1/3-3.jpg

4. Dragon (그린파우더5개)
http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i36 ... reR1/4.jpg

5. King of Wizards (레드파우더5개)
http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i36 ... reR1/5.jpg

6. Angels (홀리파우더3개) ( After 10 minutes, there is death in the location 120lvl)
http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i36 ... reR1/6.jpg

7. Lich (블루파우더10개)
http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i36 ... reR1/7.jpg

8. Spider (홀리파우더2개,블루파우더8개)
http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i36 ... reR1/8.jpg

9. Lucifer (레드파우더12개)
http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i36 ... /123-1.jpg

화이트파우더 - 1
그린파우더 - 2
블루파우더 - 3
레드파우더 - 4
홀리파우더 - 5

설인의 이빨 + 최하급 매직 스톤 1개 = 화이트 파우더
화이트 파우더 + 하급 매직 스톤 1개 =그린 파우더
그린 파우더 + 중급 매직 스톤 1개 = 블루 파우더
블루 파우더 + 상급 매직 스톤 1개 = 레드 파우더
레드 파우더 + 상급 매직 스톤 5개 =홀리 파우더

Wolf (알폰 숲 (렙제:1))
▶은빛늑대가죽 은빛늑대발톱

Kobold (코볼트 전초기지 (렙제:10))
▶코볼트 부족의 반지 행운의 도토리 알수없는두루마리

Troll (네레디 숲 (렙제:30))
▶포레스트 투구,후드 포레스트 로브,갑옷 포레스트 링 트롤로드의송곳니 트롤로드의가죽

Turtle (드래곤 터틀 (렙제:80))
▶딥 무기류 딥 링 드래곤터틀의이빨 드래곤터틀의등껍질

Yeti (혹한의 고원 (렙제:120))
▶설인의 이빨 설인의 가죽

Arthas (왈라키아 영지 (렙제:160))
▶칠흑의 무기류 칠흑의 투구,후드 칠흑의 갑옷,로브 칠흑의 반지

Fire Lord (분화구 (렙제:200))
▶홍염의 무기류 홍염의 투구,후드 홍염의 갑옷,로브 홍염의 반지

Golem (자이언트 골렘 (렙제:280))
▶타락의 무기류 타락한크리스탈 조각 타락한피조물 고철 조각

Elemental forest (정령의숲(렙제:350))
▶수호의 복장 대지의 갑주 요정의 로브 생명의 돌

▶맹독의 무기류
▶맹독의 투구,후드
▶맹독의 갑옷,로브
▶맹독의 반지

▶잭 펌킨 투구,후드



King Of Wizards






암흑의무기 = 칠흑의 무기 + 철광5개 + 은광1개
극염의무기 = 홍염의 무기 + 철광10개 + 은광2개
극독의무기 = 맹독의 무기 + 하이드라이빨 + 철광15개 + 은광3개
독의지배검(한손검) = 극독의검(한손검) + 하이드라이빨 + 금광3개
피의지배검(한손검) = 피의검(한손검) + 오리하르콘 + 블러드스톤+ 금광5개
진용검(양손검) = 용검(양손검) + 오리 + 드래곤본 + 금광5개
진용궁 = 용궁 + 오리 + 드래곤본 + 금광5개
진용봉 = 용봉 + 오리 + 드래곤본 + 금광5개
불의장검(양손검) = 녹슨화염검 + 미스릴 + 드래곤본 + 철광50개 + 은광30개 + 금광10개
뇌전의검(한손검) = 녹슨번개검 + 미스릴 + 드래곤본 + 철광50개 + 은광30개 + 금광10개
바람의궁 = 녹슨바람활 + 미스릴 + 드래곤본 + 철광50개 + 은광30개 + 금광10개
대지의봉 = 녹슨마법지팡이 + 미스릴 + 드래곤본 + 철광50개 + 은광30개 + 금광10개
진성검(양손검) = 성검(양손검) + 고문 + 성서 + 오리 + 금광30개
진성봉 = 성봉 + 고문 + 성서 + 오리 + 금광30개
진마검(한손검) = 마검(한손검) + 고문 + 마서 + 오리 + 금광30개
진마궁 = 마궁 + 고문 + 마서 + 오리 + 금광30개
천마검(한손&양손검) = 진성검or진마검 + 고문 + 성서 + 마서 + 매터 + 아다
천마궁 = 진마궁 + 고문 + 성서 + 마서 + 매터 + 아다
천마봉 = 진성봉 + 고문 + 성서 + 마서 + 매터 + 아다

잭펌킨투구+1 = 잭펌킨투구 + 철광30개 + 은광25개
잭펌킨후드+1 = 잭펌킨후드 + 철광30개 + 은광25개
진용투(투구) = 용투(투구) + 드래곤스케일 + 오리 + 철광30개
대천사의헤일로(투구) = 성투(투구) + 얼음거미줄 + 매터 + 성서 + 미스릴 + 금광40개
마력의원천프로피티아(후드) = 후드오브메이지 + 얼음거미줄 + 매터 + 마서 + 미스릴 + 상급매직스톤40개

블러디아머 = 백작갑옷 + 백작유품
블러디로브 = 백작로브 + 백작유품
진용갑(갑옷) = 용갑(갑옷) + 드래곤스케일 + 오리 + 철광30개

피의반지 = 백작반지 + 백작유품
마나하트 = 드래곤하트 + 하이드라스케일
마나하트(대) = 마나하트 + 드래곤하트
마나하트프로스트 = 마나하트(대) + 고문 + 프로리스트
빛의반지 = 성서 + 천깃 + 미스릴 + 오리
어둠의반지 = 마서 + 타깃 + 미스릴 + 오리
마왕의반지 = 빛의반지 or 어둠의반지 + 매터 + 암날
에버프로스트건틀릿 = 윈터로즈 or 프로스트웹브로치 + 얼음거미줄 + 금광30개

타락한크리스탈날개 = 타락한크리스탈조각 + 타락한피조물 + 타깃
프로즌하트 = 얼음거미줄 + 천깃 + 타깃 + 아다 + 프로리스트 + 블루파우더30개

튼튼한마법곡괭이 = 녹슨마법곡괭이 + 하급매직스톤30개
튼튼한곡괭이 = 녹슨곡괭이 + 철광석20개 + 은광석1개
미스릴곡괭이 = 튼튼한곡괭이 + 미스릴 + 은광50개


------->  3# 的帖子 英文版本 <----------               http://cafe.naver.com/twrpg3/78476
1 Hydra ( 3 White powder )

2 Jack ( 5 Red powder )

3 Dracula ( 2 red powder ) PS : [ 5 個白 + 2 個紅 ] 先啱 .

4 Dragon ( 5 Green Powder )

5 King of Wizards (5 Red powder )

6 Angels ( 3 Holly powder ) (After 10 minutes, there is death in the location 120lvl)

7 Lich ( 10 Blue Powder )

8 Spider ( 2 Holly powder , 8 Blue Powder )

9 Lucifer ( 12 Red powder )

White Powder - 1
Green Powder - 2
Blue Powder - 3
Red powder - 4
Holly powder - 5

Yeti's teeth + Minor Magic Stone 1 = White Powder
Lesser White powder + 1 Magic Stone = Green Powder
1 Green Powder + Intermediate Magic Stone  = Blue Powder
Blue Powder + 1 Greater Magic Stone =  Red Powder
5 Red Powder + Greater Magic Stone = Holly Powder
Normal Bosses
Wolf (alpon forest (recipes: 1))
▶ leather silvery silvery wolf wolf claws

Kobold (Kobold outpost bases (recipes: 10))
▶ kobolds lack of acorns Unknown scrolls ring of luck

Troll (four ready forests (recipes: 30))
▶ Hood Forest Grove, Forest helmet, leather armor ring trawl load Forest Troll loaded canine

Turtle (Dragon Turtle (recipes: 80))
▶ Deep weaponry Deep Dragon Turtle's teeth Dragon Turtle's shell

Yeti (frigid highlands (recipes: 120))
▶ teeth Yeti Yeti Leather

Arthas (Wallachia (Ganoderma recipes: 160))
▶ Onyx the Onyx weapons of the helmet, hood, dark armor, ring the Onyx Robe

Fire Lord: 200 (crater (recipes))
Grove prominences prominences of the helmet, hood ▶ prominences prominences of weaponry armor, ring

Golem (Giant Golem (recipes: 280))
Fallen crystal pieces of the Fallen Weapons ▶ fallen creatures scrap metal piece

Elemental forest (Forest Elemental (recipes: 350))
▶ patron of armor costume Land Fairy Stone Robe of Life
Raid Bosses
▶ Poisonous Weapons
▶ Venom helmet, hood
▶ Venom Armor, Robe
▶ Venom of the Rings
▶ combination of materials (Hydra Hydra Venom teeth, scale)

Jack Pumpkin helmet, hood
▶ combination of materials (Orichalcum)

▶ Blood Sword (one-handed sword)
Helmet Earl ▶, Hood
▶ Earl Armor, Robe
▶ Earl Rings
▶ combination of materials (Earl keepsake, Bloodstone)

▶ yonggeom (Greatsword)
▶ Palace of the Dragon King
▶ yongbong
▶ yongtu
▶ yonggap
▶ combination of materials this (Dragon, Dragon Scale, Dragon Heart)

King Of Wizards
▶ hood of the Meiji
Robe of the Meiji
▶ combination of materials (Mithril)

▶ frost helmet, hood
▶ frost Grove
▶ combination of materials (torture, Ada, pro)

▶ seonggeom (Greatsword)
▶ seongbong
▶ seongtu
▶ seonggap
▶ combination of materials (cheongit, the Bible)

▶ mageom (one-handed sword)
▶ Makung
▶ bard
▶ combination of target material (Martha)

▶ winter of tears, nipple Haim & one-handed (two-handed sword)
▶ ripple Snow (cane)
▶ Frost Web Brooch, Winter Rose
▶ combination of materials (eolgeo, Adana)

▶ combination of materials (Matter, amnal)
<Weapons (Weapon)>
Shadow Weapon of iron ore of the Ebon weapon + 5 + silver mine
Weapons of geukyeom = prominences of inorganic iron ore + 10 + silver mine
Weapons of geukdok = 15 Hydra Poisonous Weapons + tooth + iron ore + silver mine
The reign of the poison sword (one-handed sword) = one-handed sword (sword) geukdok of + teeth + Hydra gold 3
Blood-dominated one-handed sword (sword) = Blood Sword (one-handed sword) + Orichalcum + Bloodstone + goldfields 5
Lineup Sword (Greatsword) = yonggeom (Greatsword) + Duck Dragon + this + goldfields 5
= Gin palace, palace + duck + Dragon + gold mines 5
Jean yongbong Dragon yongbong + duck + this + gold 5
Fire Sword (Greatsword) = ore 50 + dragon rusty flaming sword Mithril + + This + silver mine 30 + gold 10
Metastases of one-handed sword (sword) = rusty Lightning Dragon Sword + Mithril + This + 50 ore + silver mine 30 + gold 10
Breeze of a rusty wind bow arch = + + + + Dragon Mithril ore 50 silver mine 30 + gold 10
Land of rods = 50 rusty magic wand + Mithril + Dragon + iron ore + silver mine 30 + gold 10
True Sword (Greatsword) = seonggeom (Greatsword) + torture + Bible + duck + gold 30
Intrinsic rods seongbong + torture + Bible + duck + gold 30
Jean mageom (hansongeom) = Handed Sword mageom () + torture + Martha + duck + gold mines 30
Jean Makung Makung + torture + Martha + duck + gold mines 30
One hand & cloth mageom (Greatsword) = True sword or Jean mageom + torture + Bible + Martha + Matter + Ada
Cheonmagung = Martha Jean Makung + torture + Bible + + Matter + Ada
Cheonmabong = intrinsic rods + torture + Bible + Martha + Matter + Ada

Helmet, hood (Helmet)>
Jack Pumpkin Helm +1 = 25 Jack Pumpkin pitches + 30 + silver mine iron ore
Jack Pumpkin Hood +1 = 30 Jack Pumpkin Hood + iron ore + silver mine 25
Dust-to (pitching) = yongtu (helmet) + Dragon Scale + duck + iron ore 30
Archangel Helmet (Halo) = cobwebs seongtu (helmet) + ice + Matter + Bible + Mithril + gold 40
Horsepower, the source of propionate Hood (Tia) = hood of cobwebs mage + ice + Matter + Martha + Mithril + Greater Magic Stone 40

<Armor, Robe (Armor)>
Bloody Armor + armor Earl Earl keepsake
Bloody Robe = + Countess Countess Grove keepsake
Armor jinyonggap () = yonggap (armor) + Dragon Scale + duck + iron ore 30

<Ring (Ring)>
Blood ring = ring + Earl Earl keepsake
Mana Heart Dragon Heart + Hydra-scale
Mana Hart (vs) = Mana Heart + Dragon Heart
Mana Heart of Frost = Mana Hart (vs) + torture + Businesses List
Ring of light = + cheongit Bible + Mithril + duck
Ring of Darkness = Martha + target + Mithril + duck
Devil's Ring ring ring of light or of darkness + Matter + amnal
Ever Frost Gauntlets = Rose Winter or Frost Web Brooch + ice spider web + gold 30

<Wings (Wings)>
Degenerate crystal wings fallen creatures degenerate crystal pieces + + target
Frozen Heart = ice cobwebs cheongit + + target + Ada + Pro List + Blue Powder 30

<Other (Other)>
Durable magic pickaxe pickaxe rusty magic 30 + Lesser Magic Stone
Sturdy pickaxe rusty pickaxe 20 + iron ore + 1 silver ore
Mithril pickaxe sturdy pickaxe + Mithril + silver mine 50
http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i36 ... reR1/9.jpg

[ 本帖最後由 abc3384 於 2014-4-30 11:35 編輯 ]


Ruler Of lav Sea hydra :

Hydra Scale [Material]
Hydra poisonous Tooth [Material]
Hood of Deadly Poison [240Armor 125INT]
Helm of Deadly Poison [275Armor]
Robe of Deadly Poison [360Armor 250INT]
Armor of Deadly Poison [575Amor 105STR/AGI]
Ring of Deadly Poison [125AllStats 5000HP/MP]
Sword of Deadly Poison [2200DMG 320AGI 400Poison DMG On Each Attack]              
Bow of Deadly Poison [2700DMG 270AGI 400Poison DMG On Each Attack]              
Greatsword of Deadly Poison [3000DMG 240STR 400Poison DMG On Each Attack]
Staff of Deadly Poison [1400DMG 400INT 400Poison DMG On Each Attack]
Gloves Of Deadly Poison [1500DMG 350AGI 400Poison DMG On Each Attack]   

Count Of Wallachia :

Bloodstone [Material]
Count's old Cape [Material]
Count's Mamento [Material]
Count Of Wallachia's Helm [325Armor]
Count Of Wallachia's Armor [650Armor 150AGI/STR]
Count Of Wallachia's Robe [400Armor 300INT]
Count Of Wallachia's Hood [230Armor 145INT]
Count Of Wallachia's Ring [140AllStats 5600HP/MP]
Bloodsword Tepethia [5000DMG 500Agi 10% Life Steal]

Jack-O-lantern :

Orichalcum [Material]
Bag of Candies [225AllStats 2500HP On Use Spawns Candies]
Jack Pumpkin Helm [250Armor 75STR 100AGI 12% Dodge]
Jack Pumpkin Hood [200Armor 175INT 12% Dodge]

Wing of Death :

Dragon Scale [Material]
Dragon Heart [Material]
Dragon Bone [Material]
Dragonbow Aience [6750DMG 350AGI Chance 4500 Pure DMG On Attack]
DragonSword lainhart [6000DMG 400STR Chance 4500 Pure DMG On Attack]
DragonStaff Irave [4000DMG 600INT Skill "Mana Cannon"]
Dragon Helm Agron [400Armor Blocks Magic Every 5min]
Dragon Armor Agron [900Armor 200STR/AGI]

Mage Lord :

Mithril [Material]
Hood of Mage [350Armor 230INT Invisible for 20sec Every 60sec]
Robe of Mage [520Armor 500INT Blocks Magic Every 5min]
Sealed Weapon [Gives Weapon Based on Class]

Lord of Everfrost :

Frorirst [Material]
Ancient Document [Material]
Adamantinum [Material]
Helm of Everfrost [600Armor 175AGI 150STR Chance To Freaze Attacker]
Hood of Everfrost [450Armor 350INT Chance To Freaze Attacker]
Robe of Everfrost [850Armor 750INT Chance on Hit Create Frost Armor]

Divine Angel Guardian :

Page Of The Bible [Material]
Fragment of Holy Angel Feather [Material]
Sacred Armor [900Armor 400STR/AGI Chance To Create Barrier On Hit]
Sacred Helm [500Armor Blocks Magic Every 4min]
Klenetia,The Holy Staff [7500DMG 1300INT Skill "Light Explosion"]
karonphniamm,The Holy sword [10000DMG 1000STR Chance to Cast "Holy Strike" on Attack]

Death Angel :

Corrupt Creation [Material]
Fragment Of the Corrupt Angel Feather [Material]
The Page of the Unholy Book [Material]
Dekaros,The Unholy Armor [750ARMOR 500AGI/STR Chance To Reduce Armor]
Eximilelia,The Unholy Sword [9000DMG 1100AGI Chance to Cast "Unholy Spike" on Attack]
Alkate, The Unholy Bow [10500DMG 1000AGI Chance to Cast "Darkness Spike" on Attack]

Kamael :


Spider Queen Ilshenna :

Adamantinum [Material]
Ice Cobweb [Material]
Winter Tear [17000DMG 1550STR 1500AGI Pasive's Slow/Magic Bypass]
Niflheim [19000DMG 1450STR 250Armor Skill "Temproary Increase STR"]
Ripple snow [12500DMG 1800INT 5000HP Skill "Frozen Shard"]
Frost Web brooch [700AGI 5000HP 10% DMG 400Pure DMG Each Attack Chance To Reduce Armor]
Winter Rose [700INT 5000HP 250Armor Chance To Increase INT on Each Attack]

Demon Lord :

Adamantinum [Material]
Dark Wings [Material]
Dark matter [Material]
Eye Of The Abyss [444Armor 666INT[-50% IF using Skill] 4% Skill DMG Aura Skill "Hell Minion"]
Slayer Boots [140MS 350STR 500AGI 7.5% Skill DMG 0.2% Crit Multiple "Bow Master Skill increase KnoockBack 50% Flame Shot"]

Lava Lord[Bridge Area]


Crab[80 Area]


Mammoth[120 Area]


Rectus[350 Area]

Essence Of corruption [Material]
Skull Seal [1050STR 750INT 7.5% Skill DMG 100MS When Recieving Heal Converts To Max HP Temprory]
Stalker [28000DMG 1650AGI -100% AS Crit Chance 7.5% Chance to Cast "Corrupt Explosion" Bow master Skill "Improved Arrow Rain]
Avenger [26000DMG 1780AGI Skill  6% DMG/Crit Chance Assasin Skill "Improved Ambush"]
Potion of Corruption [925AllStats 6% Skill DMG HP Regen Increased Skill "Increase Stats/Skills Cooldown Reduce for 12sec"]
Staff of Curruption [2050INT 60% AS 5% Skill DMG Skill "Toxic Pool" Skill Soul Weaver "Curse Explosion Changes To Curse Detonation"]

Mana Ancient :

Seal Breaking Gemstone [360lvl Boss Summon]
Vest Of Protection [900Armor 250STR 750AGI Creates Barrer 4000DMG absorb Every 10sec]
Plates Of Regeneration [1200Armor 650STR 250AGI OP HP Regen At Low HP]
Robe Fairy [700Armor 5000HP 900INT Skill "Fairy Bird"]
Lifestone [800AllStats MS Aura Skill "Revive 180sec CD+/-]

Giant Golem :

Corrupt Creation [Material]
Corrupt Crystal Fragment
Sword off Corruption
Greatsword off Corruption
Bow off Corruption
Staff off Corruption

Ruler of Flames Ragnaar :

Flame cloack
Helm of Crimson Flames
Hood of Crimson Flames
Staff of Crimson Flames
Sword of Crimson Flames
Greatsword of Crimson Flames
Bow of Crimson Flames
Armor of Crimson Flames
Robe  of Crimson Flames
Ring of Crimson Flames

Walachia Deathknight Lord :

Raven Hood
Raven Helm
Raven Ring
Raven Staff
Raven Sword
Raven Bow
Raven Gloves
Raven Greatsword
Raven Armor
Raven Robe

Weapon*s :

Raven Weapon*s =  Raven Weapon + 5IronOre + 1Silverore

Crimson Flames Weapon*s =  Crisom Flames Weapon + 10IronOre + 2SilverOre

Deadly Poisons Weapon*s = Deadly Poison Weapon + 15IronOre + 3SilverOre

Sword of Lethal Poison = Sword of Deadly Poison + hydra poisonous Toots +  15IronOre + 3SilverOre

Tepethia, the Bloodsword of Domination =  Bloodsword Tepethia + Orichalcum + Bloodstone + 5GoldOre

Dragon Weapon*s = Dragon Weapon + Orichalcum + Dragon Bone + 5GoldOre

Eximelia, the True Unholy Sword = Eximilelia,The Unholy Sword + Ancient Document + The Page of the Unholy Book+Orichalcum + 30GoldOre

Klenetia,The True  Holy Staff = Klenetia,The Holy Staff+Ancient Document + The Page of the Unholy Book + Page Of The Bible + Orichalcum + 30GoldOre

Belius, the Archdevil's Staff = Klenetia,The True  Holy Staff + Ancient Document +  Page of the Unholy Book  + Page Of The Bible  + Dark Matter + Adamantium

Karonphniamm, the True Holy Sword = karonphniamm,The Holy sword+ Orichalcum + 30GoldOre + The Page of the Unholy Book + Page Of The Bible

Asmodeus, the Archdevil's Greatsword = [Karonphniamm, the True Holy Sword Or Eximelia, the True Unholy Sword] + Ancient Document +  Page of the Unholy Book  + Page Of The Bible  + Dark Matter + Adamantium

Alkate, The True Unholy Bow = Alkate, The Unholy Bow + Ancient Document + The Page of the Unholy Book  + Orichalcum + 30GoldOre

Yggrect The ArchDevil's Bow  = Alkate, The True Unholy Bow + Ancient Document +  Page of the Unholy Book + Page Of The Bible + Dark Matter + Adamantium

Helmet*s :

Jack Pumpkin Helm +1 = 30IronOre + 25SilverOre + Jack Pumpkin Helm

Jack Pumpkin Hood +1 = 30IronOre + 25SilverOre + Jack Pumpkin Hood

True Dragon Helmet = Dragon Helm Agron+Dragon Scale + Orichalcum + 30IronOre

Archangle's Halo = Angel Helm + Ice Cobwebs + Dark Matter + Page Of The Bible  + Mithril + 40GoldOre

Prophetia, the Source of Mana = Hood of Mage + Mithril + The Page of the Unholy Book + Ice Cobweb + Dark matter + 40 Greater Magic Stones


Bloody Robe = Count Of Wallachia's Robe + Count's Mamento

Bloody Armor = Count Of Wallachia's Armor + Count's Mamento

True Dragon Armor = Dragon Armor + Dragon Scale + Orichalcum + 30IronOre

Ring*s :

Ring of Blood Teperua = Count Of Wallachia's Ring + Count's Mamento

Mana Heart =  Dragon Heart + Hydra scale

Mana Heart Large = Mana Heart + Dragon Heart

Mana Heart Frost = Mana Heart Large + The Page of the Unholy Book + Frorist

Ring of light = Page Of The Bible + Mithril + Fragment of Holy Angel Feather + Orichalcum

Ring of Darkness = Ancient Document + Fragment Of the Corrupt Angel Feather + Mithril + Orichalcum

Devil's Ring = Ring of Light OR Ring of Darkness + Dark Matter + Dark Wing

Everfrost Gauntlet = [Winter Rose or Frost Web Brooch]+ Ice Cobweb + 30GoldOre

360 OR 350 lvl Ring = ?????


Corrupt Crystal Wings = Corrupt Crystal Fragment + Corrupt Creations + Fragment Of the Corrupt Angel Feather

Frozen Heart = Ice Cobwebs + Fragment of Holy Angel Feather + Fragment Of the Corrupt Angel Feather + Adamantium + Frorist + 30 Blue Powder

Wings[260lvl Depends on Class]= Count's Mamento + Count's old Cape + Mithril + Orichalcum

