



主旨 : 想做咩就做咩!!


1 踢人場哥陣要講 : 以葬花為榮 !!!
2:禁止任何粗口,應以葬花表示  e.g: 我葬花你老娘!!
3.練手指神技 !!
4.WIN左要錄片做紀錄 !!(避免人地霞卓)
6.訓練死鬥兵團 (方便消失戰哂馬!!)



小貝的, ,,,,,

由於我只會在星5晚上才會online ,所以有興趣既可以先留名 ,我會起到相約時間 進行測試

我的代號將會改做 : 小貝的徒弟小草

[ 本帖最後由 yeah999 於 2009-11-14 03:52 編輯 ]


回復 3# 的帖子

好呀^^ 我樂意打 >< 流星多我一個唔同 少我一個唔少@@ 反正 我都係少玩都極 , 咪約個時間P一場LO  我比你 開場 人物任選(用女角都無所謂) , 我用孟星 >< 輸左消失 ︿︿

[ 本帖最後由 yeah999 於 2009-11-16 14:24 編輯 ]


回復 4# 的帖子

>< 無計喇 個鍵盤神神地 有時跳唔到後做上下A 同jump a完連卷c  /. \  你知做唔到e2樣野係差好多架喇 , 唯今之計 只有出網吧 搵部神機同佢部神機挑過 ><  希望打得成喇 ︿︿ 


回復 10# 的帖子

你邊位呀 >< 


無名小卒 =.= 真係無咩聽過 @@ 我經常都跳樓自殺架wor ︿︿ 得罪左你 唔好意思呀>< 不過我唔出大絕對付勁過我既人 已經算好架喇 / \ 雖然我唔知你係邊位 @_@ 但係我對你 心存尊意 ^^有咩得罪 請原諒 =  =  ..


回復 16# 的帖子

我份人好公道 , 我同你打哥場只係路人戰 ,你團友燕子可以做證 , 你e家係到作故仔 , 場路人戰係我求你打? 你講大話都講得幾勁 ,我只係不爽有d人 屈網屈機 ,重要串串貢 ,流星有幾多新野 我真係唔知 ,唔係tin 講幾樣出黎 我都唔知e家d機可以做咁多新野 ,e,g , 用劍向後出下前a +上上a ,快機可以解lock 令招aa上miss , 我只係想問你係咪有秘技係可以跳走到 ,正如我當時tin同我講一樣 ,可惜你反應咁大 ,好似踩親你條尾咁 , 我唔想同你玩罵戰 所以約你打消失戰 ,而我亦都係想用返鐘意用既劍同你認真打返場 ,我玩劍匕都廢 , 不過重匕廢過劍 至於 你用咩機種 我無興趣知  ,你鐘意講到50fps都得 ,但肯定既係 我一定低過你 !,..

為表公平 , , 我亦都證明我係絕對無用外掛 用咩野程式咁 ,我決意 約你去網吧 一戰 , 一來 機種相同 ,二來 唔會比人屈到網速 . 我等你既回應 .. 咪作故仔喇朋友 ,有d野大家都好清楚 ,你係咁亂咁作野 , 唔尊重我唔緊要 ,最好唔好唔尊重自己

[ 本帖最後由 yeah999 於 2009-11-18 01:22 編輯 ]


回復 19# 的帖子

第一 : 手指係你講既 ,  你話你唔係屈機 ,而係自己手指按得快 我無屈你 ,神奇手指 係指你手指按得比我快 而明名
第二 : 你憑咩野講我無朋友 ,流星 我係自己無聊裝返玩下 , 實則只係輕鬆下 ,無你咁勁 ,打機識咁多人 ,咁多"戰友" , 老實講 我網絡上真係小交朋友 , 因為近年已經小玩左電腦遊戲, 而且我活躍起流星都係好多年前既事 .我唔排除 你有時成到我你因為人地扮 ,因為我試過入場見到有人用我個名 打法都係差唔多
第三 . 我無老屈你用咩程式 ,但你而家係你屈我用 "迷之程式: .所以我先叫你去網吧打 ,你鐘意用返你習慣用既野 你可以帶 我知道有d網吧係比既 ,我行得正企得正 , 低跳a 絕對係我能力下做到既 , 有人話我改speed 我都可以證明 係我自己係咁左右閃比左一個錯覺人, 唔關有無改game事 , 出到黎網吧打 一目了然 ,幾年前就係因為成堆白痴話我改game 我先唔玩 ,我e家返黎 又撞到好似你e一種咁賤格既人 ,約你出黎打又淆底 , 無證無據又要屈我 ,流星絕對係因為你這種人先沒落 , 同埋如果出到黎我真係打你 你絕對可以報警
第四:我用小貝個名玩野 ? 老實講 我未同你打哥陣我已經打算開架喇 ,你可以望返出面小貝既post , 早過我同你打 ,你個人老屈成性 ,  我加你個名只係想帶出下你份人格係點 ,
第五: 你覺得你自己好勁 !?好串 ?死鬥好利害 ? 我功喜你 ,你好威 ,流星勁到可以周圍串人  而且空有一身好武功 , 洗唔洗我叫你一聲流星之神呀 !?我同你人格唔同 我問你問題 ,你又狗前狗後話人 , 有人屈我改speed , 我無講任何邊個勁邊個渣d既野 ,我只係周圍行 叫人ctrl 試下打佢 證明自己無改speed 無改距  ,其實諗諗下同你講多都哂氣 ,因為你根本無文化, 你都認左自己鐘意走去串人 , 無錯我e家係唔信你講既任何野 , 你影相 證明到d咩 ? 我屋企有3部電腦 唔怕話你知 .其中有部腦得60fps , 我影張相比你睇都得, 扮哂自己好低fps都ok 但我唔洗昆你 ,我用緊 80幾既機 , 我亦都唔怕大家走出黎 打一場證明自己既清白 . 你呢 !?

最後 , 正如幾年前一樣 我諗諗下同你件垃圾都唔洗講咁多野  從你屈我用甚麼程式開始 ,我諗大家都無咩討論餘地 ,一係就走出網吧打場互相證明一下, 一係就收聲加收皮 ,不過好彩 既係  老手之中 重有一d 係正人君子 , 可惜既係 老手之中 都重有害群之馬 !

[ 本帖最後由 yeah999 於 2009-11-18 23:22 編輯 ]


回復 23# 的帖子

你識得講就好 條友想點扮都得 e個係事實

1. 所以話 有個白痴腦 諗既野都白痴d ,  你鐘意曲軸我既意思 係你既事
2. 你對朋友一詞 既定義  實在令我敬佩 ,
3. 所以我叫你出黎打場 我證明我係無用任何程式 ,你唔敢打 你無資格講野
4. 意念一早就有 我要鬧你幾時都得 洗籍人地講名黎嘈咩 ! ? 你e為自己係邊個 中國領導人呀!?
5:話左你思想問題 , 成日憑空去分析人地講既野 , 正如你見到 一堆屎 你會沖去食 而我唔會一樣,人既價值觀唔同 你鐘意食屎唔代表我鐘意食 .重有 好多野有證據先講  
6.改機獸 ( 又一次無證據屈人) , 正如就算我認為你改過D咩野 我都唔會直接肯定你係 ,而你無證據一味去去話人 , 就肯定係你無品格 !? 放心 如果我真係用刀筒你 我會收到法律制裁  ^^
1.第一 你自己講野唔清楚唔怪得人 你前文講到  "樂意?事實我就一早贏左你'係你好似狗仔咁追住我同你玩,係都要挑我,求我同你打,我先比個機會你咋 ,費是d小人話我唔接驚左你,就算輸比d唔知點做純低跳既人我都輸得心裡安樂",你寫左E句 ,咩你有打到場消失戰咩!?  你有語病就唔好含血噴人
2.   段片一開始係你自己講手指按得快既 ,  以德報怨!? 你知唔知自己寫緊咩 ? 我好聲好氣同你話打消失戰 你又話人狗又成 咁無文化 ,我點夠你玩呀!? 成段片入面我都無咩不敬說話 , 我係好聲好氣架 ,反而你係估估 ,, 又係咁侮辱人  .. 講真 你個人咁敏感  我好難同你溝逍BOR

最後, 唔講你係咪淆底都好 如果你唔打 咁就唔洗講咁多野喇 ~~嘈埋佢都無意思  ..

[ 本帖最後由 yeah999 於 2009-11-19 00:59 編輯 ]


回復 22# 的帖子

不過無快機 有技術都做唔到 , 我見識少 因為真係未見過E D招數 ,好少見人咁易跳走到 ,不過  我亦都無一口咬定佢係點做到 ,不過佢解釋係 手指按得快  ,所以 我感到好好奇 , 先改以神奇手指既稱號


回復 27# 的帖子

我唔係指劍 我係指匕 跳走呀 閃招哥D 情況 有如區域同網際既分別


回復 29# 的帖子

Oh ,  i can't believe that u can got the conspicuous result in the Hkcee . Is it really a glory thing to appreciate ?
Dont u really think  the examination represent everythings  ?  By the way ,Even i got the fairash result (A grade )  in the speaking task of HKALE  , i do not parade to anyone and use it to measure the ability of chinese skills , if u dont believe me , i can upload the certificate , At the same time , Can u prove it to me ? i hope u can do so .
Moreover , are you use the mouth to leave the message in the forum ? Why u use the speaking result instead of writting and comprehension result to evaluate the defination of the sentense ? u always awake me that u are a talent who have a great result on studies , but i dont  think a rude guy can having any capacity of academic ,

Please , try to consider ur future , try to consider ur parent , Although i am a christian , i also believe that a rude guy would eventually get the frightful nemsis , thus , i recommond u to treat people more politely . otherwise , u  will be a embarrassment to ur parent , that is just my little advise .

At last , i dont want to have any  furter conflict  if u dont want competition with me ,u just a mote in my heart , i think i would not spare more times to the valueless and self-righteous people  ,


Sorry . i just wanna to take more special example to let u understand the situation and  the reality easily , if u think those is  violative sentenese  , i apologize for u  . ! ,but u should know the fact clearly , i never do anythings to suit ur feeling ,i just assume that u might be misled probably  (Based on ur capacity)  ,and  that is just my basal manners !

however ,I think fighting in internet may not a good solution , firstly , u think me using the illegial software , secondly , Internet always have many unpredictable factor which would affect the result of victory or defeat ,

thus , please consider my suggestion serviously , Play in the lan would take many advantages : For you , it proves ur succees is depend on your skill but not the hardware  ,  For me , It can solves the whole doubt by the people who think me as a  cheater , why dont we take a fair method to clear out  our conflict ?

Furthermore , Using english is in order to prove me not a completely uncivilized guy as ur thinking,  even my language abilty is frumpish , ,but  i would like to reiterate somethings  I never violate your parent by using rude sentenese !!, Please dont smite with the tongue !! !! On the other hand. .i am really confused whether you praise me or not  (Translating tools)!?

At last ,i think you misunderstand my sentenese , I indicate your chinese skills all along ,, u said that i mislead your sentense and reveal your notable performance on the speaking task , i just dont understand why the descriptive ability  is relate to ur oral prefermance , are you use your mouth to organise  and present the sentence ? it is confused !!

[ 本帖最後由 yeah999 於 2009-11-20 00:45 編輯 ]


回復 34# 的帖子

Why u convince that other people must not understand the article ? Dont overrate yourself too much !!

Sorry , i had reiterated that Going to the cyber cafe is because of the justice ,I had asked u to fight in the internet but u disapproved , and now , With the reiterant consideration ,i recognise that it would have many unpredictable outcome , i would not be guaranteed because  u will disprove the result even i get the victory . moreover , i had answer you that i can help u to  take relative things but  u always took the currish response to me , Why cant u discuss the subject rationally ?  

Moreover .. u always remind those unawareful match which we played it before  ..i never paid concentre to it   how could u regard  it as our vital match ? u are really impudence !

At last , i have something want to notice u : I never care about your praise , dont think It over !!

[ 本帖最後由 yeah999 於 2009-11-20 01:41 編輯 ]

