
正規公會 ME


正規公會 ME

目的:成立本公會的目的 主要系 吸引熱愛正規的人 也同時希望有新手加入。

ME的意思系 (打出真我,靠自己真實力)
加入本公會 只需 有熱誠  唔自大  有信心  同埋enjoy正規的遊戲過程
正規需要技術 但也有一定的變數  過於自大又靠MH的 欺負新手的人   就免問了。

本公會m群為[email protected]
不是本會也可以加本群約玩  同埋交流技術
新手也可以到本會 ,求助 基本玩法 同 新手上路方法

隊長: Diaoxie  秘書:Andy


導師:pridehell          *後補

正規系一種起兵 出兵打人的war3遊戲模式  也是war3最初的遊戲模式
正規遊戲模式需要 控兵 控英 升lv      成立個國家去打別人的國家
不同種族有不同的優勢  由玩家發揮到最高
難度比一般的rpg高  需要懂得利用 金同木  兵種的特性  英雄的幫助
裝備也有一定的幫助   最終控兵也是難度的最高  給每個兵仔有思想!!!!!



不死和人類英雄 能力的對立

攻防系數精密 不再BT
刺系攻擊對天 x200%

種族的對立  為你帶來樂趣!!!

[ 本帖最後由 ME]diaoxie 於 2009-4-13 17:30 編輯 ]



[ 本帖最後由 ME]diaoxie 於 2009-7-13 21:14 編輯 ]
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比例唔同 自己果D  
D字全部我自己打嫁> <
仲要第一次打 無啦啦關左
One more recommendation, a bestseller in recent years, The curious incident of the dog in the night-time by Mark Haddon
Dear Lok,

Nice to meet you here. Attached please see the article and passage about leisure reading and Michelin Guide.

For the book recommendations, I think I may have a long list of them. So just let me know what kind of books/stories do you like and then I'll recommend relevant books to you. I'm currenly reading Malcolm Gladwell's collection, The Tipping Point, Outliers, Blink, etc. They may be a bit challenging to you but you can try to take a look at them in the bookstores. Another one I really want to share with you is The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon. Another bestseller which presents you an intriguing story from a child's perspective. Nice book too.

Just email me if you have further questions or sharing. Thanks.

Miss Fung


Glad to know your favourite types of books. I think I share your feeling of reading thick books that I can never finish. Books like Harry Potter series and Lord of the Ring are great work but we can't afford the time spent on them.

Therefore, I'd like to suggest you to read some short stories or simplified version of classics like

1. Mr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
2. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
3. Roald Dahl's collection like The Witches, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
4. Some myths (e.g. Oedipus the King) [they are adventure stories of a 'hero']

Perhaps you have already read some of the above books. Just feel free to share with me what you have read and what do you think about the recommendations.

Miss Fung

2010/9/12 chun lok hung

Dictation 2 Syllabus
Street Performers - Artist or Beggars?
The Legco chamber isn’t the only place you can see free performances, dramatic or otherwise.
Hong Kong also has a small but enthusiastic group of street performers without political
aspirations, although some argue that compared with other tourist destinations, the government
here seems unsure about entertainment in the street. On Tuesday, Civic Party legislator Alan
Leong arranged a media presentation at Mongkok pedestrian zone to highlight the plight of street
performers, some of whom say they have been unfairly prosecuted. It’s a longstanding problem.

Youth unemployment - Economic problems or attitude problems?; Stories of the Street - Two
Street Sleepers Tell Us About Why They Are Roughing It.

According to recent government figures, 43,000 young people, between 15 and 24 are
unemployed. And the situation seems to be worsening. Even university graduates are finding it
tough to get jobs. Those who didn't make it into tertiary education can have an even tougher time.

While many young people who have been finding it difficult to get jobs, other people find
themselves even more socially adrift. A combination of bad luck, difficult economic circumstances,
and sometimes their own personalities can lead to them being literally out and on the street.


Dear 5A students,

I am writing, first of all, to apologise for my two-day absence from class. I suddenly got a serious health problem on the Wednesday night and I received diagnosis from two different doctors and underwent some medical treatments in the following days. I am still figuring out why I got sick all of a sudden. In the coming future, I still have to have some X-ray checks. I hope you can understand my situation and how much I wanted to see you guys at school.

Concerning the arrangements of our writing task, I have attached the writing template that we haven't finished last time. Please take a look. We are going ahead to the long writing task on Monday. I'll give you ONE hour and fifteen minutes to finish the task in class. Since I will treat it as a writing quiz, you don't have a choice this time. I'll assign you a writing task to do on that day (either short stories or social issues or workplace communication). This aims at preparing you for some unprepared tasks in real exams. So please revise the skills and vocab for these 3 tasks during weekends. If you have any problems, email me and I'll try my best to help you.

Miss Fung

Dear everyone,

I sorry to tell you that I have a tumor (腫瘤) in my body and I will be in hospital again starting from this coming Monday. I am very upset about that as a matter of fact. I hope that will not be something serious and I'll be back as soon as I'm fine. Apologies to everyone.

Concerning the teaching schedule, I've already made up some plans to Ms So. I think Michelle and her will continue to help. F5 teachers usually decide and keep updating the schedule in the form meetings, so I can't tell you exactly what they will be teaching in the coming days. But the focus will definitely be on Paper 3 Listening and Integrated Tasks.
Please remember to revise vocabulary from news, class notes and practices we have done even without dictations.

I may need to stay in the hospital for a couple of days, so perhaps I can't get access to the Internet. You can still email me if you have questions and I'll get to you when I'm ready.

Miss Fung

[ 本帖最後由 ME]diaoxie 於 2010-11-27 19:09 編輯 ]


最好   要有意思果D A_A


Gene 想的XD  打出真我  有意思




當gene講就得啦。...  哈哈哈

[ 本帖最後由 ME]diaoxie 於 2009-7-29 22:40 編輯 ]
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戰俘  我個工會可以成立嗎  =w=


推翻上去=w= ME]即張成立~~~


好野 成立左拉~~~。。。。。

[ 本帖最後由 ME]diaoxie 於 2010-1-5 20:25 編輯 ]
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借位放野 再推埋上去
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剛剛搞完 XD

